Další web používající WordPress Tue, 18 May 2021 16:54:51 +0000 de-DE hourly 1 32 32 NEUHEIT – PERWOOD TOP TERRASSENBRETT Wed, 03 Mar 2021 14:36:20 +0000 Lassen Sie uns eine einzigartige Neuheit präsentieren, PERWOOD TOP Terrassenbretter. Das neue coextrudierte Terrassenprofil aus Hightech erfüllt die strengsten Anforderungen des modernen Lebens in Bezug auf Qualität und Design. Außergewöhnliche Eigenschaften werden durch die Verwendung von CoolTopShield erzielt, einem Material, das auf der begehbaren Seite von Terrassenbrettern aufgetragen wird. Dies führt zu einer langfristigen Farbstabilität […]


Lassen Sie uns eine einzigartige Neuheit präsentieren, PERWOOD TOP Terrassenbretter. Das neue coextrudierte Terrassenprofil aus Hightech erfüllt die strengsten Anforderungen des modernen Lebens in Bezug auf Qualität und Design. Außergewöhnliche Eigenschaften werden durch die Verwendung von CoolTopShield erzielt, einem Material, das auf der begehbaren Seite von Terrassenbrettern aufgetragen wird. Dies führt zu einer langfristigen Farbstabilität und -beständigkeit. Spezialpigmente sorgen bei Sonnenschein für eine deutlich geringere Erwärmung. Dies ist es, was PERWOOD TOP von den gängigen WPC-Produkten abhebt, die im Standard-Extrusionsverfahren hergestellt werden.


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Start einer neuen Produktionslinie Wed, 16 Sep 2020 18:00:00 +0000 Das Projekt zielt auf eine erhöhte und aktuelle Fertigungskapazität für WPC-Profile ab. Insbesondere besteht es aus dem Kauf einer Produktionslinie, die den Extrusionsprozess der Eingangssubstanz mit zwei konischen Schneckenextrudern durch den Extrusionskopf umfasst, die das Extrusionsprofil sicherstellen. Die Projektdurchführung wird zusätzliche Produktionskapazitäten sicherstellen, die erforderlich sind, um die langfristige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit bei der Erstellung […]

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Das Projekt zielt auf eine erhöhte und aktuelle Fertigungskapazität für WPC-Profile ab. Insbesondere besteht es aus dem Kauf einer Produktionslinie, die den Extrusionsprozess der Eingangssubstanz mit zwei konischen Schneckenextrudern durch den Extrusionskopf umfasst, die das Extrusionsprofil sicherstellen.

Die Projektdurchführung wird zusätzliche Produktionskapazitäten sicherstellen, die erforderlich sind, um die langfristige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit bei der Erstellung von WPC-Profilen sicherzustellen.


Das spezifische Projektziel besteht im Kauf einer Extrusionslinie, die WPC-Profile erzeugt. Durch den Kauf der neuen Linie wird die angestrebte Produktionskapazität im Vergleich zur jetzigen um bis zu 50% erhöht, wodurch im Verlauf des Projekts auch neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen werden.

Der Kauf der Linie erhöht die Produktionskapazität. In Bezug auf die vorhandene Produktionstechnologie wird die neue Linie auch eine signifikante Verbesserung der Effizienz gewährleisten, insbesondere aufgrund der besseren Linienleistung und eines fortschrittlichen Systems zur Linienkontrolle. Durch die Bereitstellung der neuen Linie neben der aktuellen Technologie kann auch die Produktionsplanung optimiert werden, da große Aufträge bevorzugt mit der neuen Linie bearbeitet werden, während kleine Aufträge mit der aktuellen Technologie bearbeitet werden.

Project summary

Name des UnterstützungsprogrammsTechnologie
Prioritätsachse des BetriebsprogrammsPO-2 Geschäftsentwicklung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen
Projektstartdatum Juli 2017
Projekttermin Dezember 2019
Gesamtprojektkosten CZK 8,400,000.00
Insgesamt förderfähige Kosten CZK 8,400,000.00
Gesamtzuschuss beantragt CZK 3,780,000.00
Zuschussrate 45.00%

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Absolute Marktneuheit: WPC Blumentopf. Tue, 07 Apr 2020 09:06:23 +0000 Wir führen eine absolute Marktneuheit ein, einen von uns hergestellten WPC-Blumentopf. Eine geeignete Ergänzung zu Ihrer Terrasse und Ihrem Balkon. Hergestellt aus hochwertigen Materialien (WPC + Aluminium) Lieferung in drei Farben: Helle Eiche, Dunkle Kastanie, Grauer Stein Zwei Dekore in einer Packung: Ground und Emboss Einfache Installation Abmessungen 800 x 275 x 305 mm Einfach […]

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Wir führen eine absolute Marktneuheit ein, einen von uns hergestellten WPC-Blumentopf.

Eine geeignete Ergänzung zu Ihrer Terrasse und Ihrem Balkon.

Hergestellt aus hochwertigen Materialien (WPC + Aluminium)

Lieferung in drei Farben: Helle Eiche, Dunkle Kastanie, Grauer Stein

Zwei Dekore in einer Packung: Ground und Emboss

Einfache Installation

Abmessungen 800 x 275 x 305 mm

Einfach in unserem E-Shop zu kaufen!

Zum E-Shop

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TEST: heating of composite plates Mon, 30 Mar 2020 13:58:37 +0000 As a hypothesis is often formed that “composite board heat up more than wood”, we engaged our technical partner to test if the claim is true. However, it must be noted that we compared PERWOOD WPC profiles that feature a composite containing a minimum PVC share of 50 %. Composite profiles containing, e.g., HDPE polymer, […]

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As a hypothesis is often formed that “composite board heat up more than wood”, we engaged our technical partner to test if the claim is true. However, it must be noted that we compared PERWOOD WPC profiles that feature a composite containing a minimum PVC share of 50 %. Composite profiles containing, e.g., HDPE polymer, can be assumed to reach a higher heating rate. Likewise, a proportion of wood meal higher than 50% will lead to higher values, in analogy with wood boards.

The tests were conducted in the most realistic circumstances, trying to reflect all the conditions of everyday life. The boards were placed on supporting prisms just outside a building. For our experience, we chose the warmest days of the summer of 2018, 24 July to 7 August, with the boards exposed to the sunshine after noon.

Měření pomocí pyrometru
Měření pomocí pyrometru

Measurement using a pyrometer

For experience, we selected PERWOOD composite boards and wooden boards, both impregnated and fully free of impregnation. Test conditions: the observations were made on warm, almost cloudless days, with the air temperature reaching up to 35°C.



24 July 2018, external temperature: 25-35

Wood boards


time 12:00

time 15:00


Siberian larch (impregnated)




Spruce (impregnated)




Thermo jasan (impregnated)




Bangkiari ne(impregnated)




Prkna WPC

HOME (dark chestnut)/p>




HOME (Ivory)




Grand Massive (Grey Stone)




Real Massive (Light Oak)




Result: The average temperature of wood boards ranged from 44°C to 50°C on the specific day. Composite boards reached average temperature of 38°C to 49°C.

Results: The average temperature of wood boards on that day ranged from 50°C to 61°C. Composite boards reached average temperature of 44°C to 59°C.

Conclusion: Composite boards do not heat up more than wood boards. On top of that, wood often reaches slightly higher temperatures.

An important issue is the profile colour: light-coloured profiles absorb less heat than the dark ones ( kompozitní deska Slonová kost  měla vždy v průměru 10-20 st. C nižší hodnotu ).

Two examples are given in Tables 1 and 2, but similar temperatures were observed on wood boards as well as on composite boards during the test. The boards heat up to relatively high temperatures within 1 to 3 hours, with each material reacting the same way (it heats up  fast and releases the warms fast). The lighter the board colour is, the less it warms up; impregnation is no major factor in this situation.

Ivory 1
Slonová kost 1
Light Oak
Světlý dub

Interesting fact: We noted during the test that as a result of exposure to the sunlight (lasting for about 3 weeks), some wood boards deformed so much that they started to crack (refer to the photo below).

Modřín sibiřský
Modřín sibiřský

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3 tips for the right choice of terrace Tue, 03 Mar 2020 17:42:30 +0000 Do you plan to build a terrace but are unable to choose the right supplier of WPC boards? Then this article is just right for you! We’ll give you some tips about what to focus on when comparing producers and how select the best option for your dream terrace. 1. Price At this point, we […]

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Do you plan to build a terrace but are unable to choose the right supplier of WPC boards? Then this article is just right for you! We’ll give you some tips about what to focus on when comparing producers and how select the best option for your dream terrace.

1. Price

At this point, we are very likely to agree that we always look at the price when buying goods and services, this being such an influence that we make our purchase based on it. But how does one choose the right vendor of WPC so that it’s not like comparing apples and oranges?

Always compare the price per square meter of the complete material; don’t get confounded with the lower price per linear meter. You may also want to ask the potential supplier for a quotation for a complete delivery, including the accessories.

Garance nejnižší ceny terasy

We will spare you of such worries concerning comparisons as we guarantee the lowest prices, compared to the competitors.

2. Warranty

Check the warranty terms carefully. Most warranty terms for periods exceeding 7 years are significantly limited; the warranty for defective service may relate to decay, insects and wood rotting fungi, with absolutely no reference made to chipped corners of terrace boards and discolouring.

3. Manufacturer and material composition

WPC is currently a frequent replacement for wood as the former ensures a large scope of application, due to its mechanical properties, weather stability and visual feel. However, selecting the right WPC boards can be far from easy.

As everyone might expect, the product price may sometimes be a poor match for its quality. If you are about to use WPC boards, you must note that a number of products are available on the Czech market, of unknown origin and in a wide span of quality. In China alone, around 200 WPC makers have been established in past 2 years. That’s why a range of products from various vendors is available, at lower prices and at higher prices, often with a much worse quality.

Focus on these 3 steps in order not to let your money decay the way it does with Chinese companies. If you are clueless about how to, our specialist team is always available for you to contact them.

Another important aspect is the very quality of WPC. With a trustworthy supplier, you should be allowed to see the boards in reality or to order samples.

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How to know tell apart quality terrace boards Tue, 03 Mar 2020 17:37:47 +0000 To many people, the wood-plastic composite seems to be a controversial material  for a terrace. It irritates advocates of natural materials. Yet, according to our poll, most readers would prefer it to a purely natural material. This is how China-made imitations crush after a couple of years. photo: editorial archive We have recently covered the […]

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To many people, the wood-plastic composite seems to be a controversial material  for a terrace. It irritates advocates of natural materials. Yet, according to our poll, most readers would prefer it to a purely natural material.

This is how China-made imitations crush after a couple of years. photo: editorial archive

We have recently covered the pros and cons of composites and wood (refer to the previous article). We were met with criticism for trying to promote plastic at the expense of pure natural materials. The paradox is though that the survey complementing the article showed about twice as many people would prefer the composite, despite being more expensive than wood. Its main advantage should be a lower need for maintenance.

But the real issue is to select a system that offers proven quality. The composite market is only starting to develop in this country, so it’s easy to buy material that delivers on its promise.

By country of origin

In recent years, round 200 companies have been launched in China manufacturing WPC boards. Just as usual, they’re cheaper than original products from established brands.

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DUEL: Wood terrace against composite terrace Sat, 08 Feb 2020 20:06:04 +0000 Source: The technology you’ll use on your terrace is so advanced today that you can’t tell with your eyes whether you’re looking at natural wood or wood-plastic composite (WPC). But you can tell the difference by the price. WPC is more expensive. In return, you don’t have to care about maintenance, and despite this, […]

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Source: The technology you’ll use on your terrace is so advanced today that you can’t tell with your eyes whether you’re looking at natural wood or wood-plastic composite (WPC). But you can tell the difference by the price. WPC is more expensive. In return, you don’t have to care about maintenance, and despite this, it remains the same.

Composite terraces are ideal for swimming pools as there’s no risk of getting a splinter.

Wood is slightly cheaper to buy but it must be treated with oil several times a year, depending on local climatic conditions and load stress, which takes time and means cost of oil. In addition, the original look of the natural material is seldom preserved.

Material cost

Here, wood is certainly the winner in terms of material costs. “Exotic woody plants are used. The clue of quality is wood density, and price may also be applied as a quality clue,” says Marie Oulická of AU-Mex. But this guidance clue is defied by the most expensive of them, teak that fails to have the highest volume density, yet is part of the top in terms of durability. And this is because of the oil content in the material, which extends the useful life of wood.

Pros and cons

Wood+ natural material+ lower price – lower durability – regular maintenance – cost of oil – colour change

Composite + maintenance +no risk of splinters – higher purchase cost

But if your material is genuine Burmese teak, the board cost per a square metre exceeds CZK 2,000. It is so rare that almost all of it has been harvested. Its Indonesian surrogates grown to harvest wood do not share the same qualities, so beware of replacement. Putrefactive processes can be observed in them in a mere couple of years.

But other types of wood can be bought cheaper. For example, boards from bangkirai wood can be at just slightly below CZK 1,000 and merbau at CZK 1,700.

Naturally, a terrace can be also made from cheap spruce or pine boards. But anyone who tries will confirm this is not quite the best idea. You’ll have to replace rotten boards with new ones after three years. Anyone who prefers durable certainty and is not a DIY fan excited over work with wood should never choose such materials.

A square meter of WPC composite material costs just over CZK 1,500 crowns, or slightly less than the best quality grade of wood.

Material service life

Vendors of material for terraces provide a warranty of 5  years for wood and up to 25 years for composites. For an investment of this scope, this not a negligible aspect. WPC ensures an advantage of nearly maintenance-free use.

What is  WPC

WPC is a man-made “wood”, consisting in two-thirds from wood flour, complemented with a polymer, thus achieving the optimum ratio of these two materials. This eliminates undesirable risks of wood (rot, fungi, insect attacks, colour changes, desiccation, twisting, roughness, splinters, adverse influence of the sunlight, frost and water, etc.), but also enhances the visual effect of wood surface.

Wood entails ongoing costs of oil application every year (even several times a year). This restores the original properties of wood. A lack of such a process reduces the service life considerably, not to mention the loss of the original wood colour. Most types of wood get grey and lose the original colour.

Even if you do all your best to take care of wood, you must still consider its limited service life. Simply, it’s a natural material with all its pros and cons.

Construction work

There will be a draw here. The construction processed don’t differ in their technology. You must prepare the same kind of bed for the terrace as if you meant to build a paved path or drive to your house. This means removing earth about 20 cm deep. Fill with coarse grave, apply fine particulate on top, compact. This construction work will cost you CZK 500 to 1,000 per square metre, depending on the site.

No savings will be achieved during the installation. The installation is essentially the same for both materials as work with WPC is the same as work with wood. “A lot of people trust their skills, buying only the material and doing the installation themselves,” says Milan Klíma of Mores, a company installing Woodplastic terraces.

So, the criterion can be skipped for the sake of comparison.

How walking on it feels

A new terrace looks always great, no matte whether its from wood or composite. But wood is more prone to ageing; walking barefoot on it involves some risks as you may get a splinter. This is something that owners of composite terraces never need to worry about.

Many people are also afraid that composite boards will show the polyethylene ingredient which encapsulates those 60 percent of wood. The editors of were also curious, so they went to do the testing with their feet. There is wood right on the site of our editorial office and we see the site maintenance team do their careful oil coating every year. Still, the boards crumble.

By contrast, Woodplastic remains almost the same several years after the installation, as checked on reference sites. After the first weeks and moths, the top layer of wood scrap will wash away, with the boards turning slightly lighter; after that, the colours stabilize and remain unchanged. There’s no risk of getting a splinter. Without being told it’s not true wood, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Bottom line

When building a terrace, the cost of construction work and installation work is higher than the material cost itself. If, say, you budget CZK 4,000 per square metre of complete delivery, you can save about CZK 1,000 on average: nothing if you opt for teak, the most expensive choice, and CZK 1,500 if you go for the cheapest sorts.

But the question is how much this benefit will cost you. The cheaper the material is, the more maintenance is required and the shorter the useful life is. Everything will look nice in the beginning, but wood will turn grey in the course of time, and you must paint it at regular intervals. It may be not much work to do, but as the proverb says, many small burdens add up to a big crushing burden. Those small burdens add up to the regular maintenance of the house and garden.

Do a sum of the cost of oil and time, and you’ll arrive at the cost of composite. So it’s for everybody to decide if they stick to the natural material despite all the risks attached, or they will just invest a little more in the beginning, after which they will enjoy their terrace free of maintenance.


Which material would you opt for when building a terrace

Wood 604 votes

WPC 1022 votes


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